PCOS and Hirsutism Expert Services
Face, Ears & Neck

Hairlines that extend low on the forehead can be problematic. Electrolysis can permanently lift and shape your hairline, helping you put your best face forward.
Eyebrows are one of the facial features we are most often asked about. Whether you prefer eyebrows that are thinner and arched OR thicker and fuller, electrolysis is unparalleled when it comes to permanently shaping your brows or forever removing a few bothersome stray hairs. Electrolysis is also a great way to finish up microblading and powder brows, as we can permanently remove any prickly hairs that fall outside your newly defined brow lines.
Chin & Neck
Many women experience hormonal changes and suddenly find themselves sprouting embarassing chin and neck hair. Electrolysis can safety and permanently remove even your most wild hairs, so you never have to think about them again!
Upper Lip
Mustaches — great for men but a facial feature most women do not welcome. We know the lip area can be sensitive (just ask anyone who has been waxed or tweezed). With modern electrolysis equipment and topical or injected anesthetic, we can work with you to eradicate your lip fuzz forever, while ensuring you have a comfortable experience.
Cheeks & Sideburns
From fine peach fuzz to a few stubborn stray hairs or even female sideburns (these are more common than you’d think), electrolysis can permanently clear the growth from these areas, leaving them forever softer and smoother.
Say goodbye to your unsightly ear hair! Electrolysis provides precise, permanent hair removal in a complicated area like the ear.
Nose hair is especially plaguing for men. In addition to nostril hair, men may also find hair growing at the tops and tips of their noses. This hair is difficult to treat, but with electrolysis, we can remove even the trickiest of unwanted hair.
Men’s beard hair can be stubborn and deeply rooted. Removing it while still maintaining your comfort requires a powerful and sophisticated epilator in the hands of a trained professional. With thousands of hours of experience, we use the best electrolysis equipment available in the market today — the Apilus xCell. We can help you permanently shape or altogether remove your beard hair, so you never have to worry about shaving or shaping again!
Torso / Body

Breast Area
Although they rarely talk about it, you may be surprised that women of all ages suffer from unwanted breast hair. Electrolysis can permanently remove this embarrassing hair from any part of the breast, including the areola. Despite how sensitive the breast area can be, electrolysis is a different sensation and most women do not experience much discomfort in this area.
Back & Nape
Back & nape (back of the neck) hair is notoriously patchy, coarse, itchy, and unattractive. It also hard to reach with a razor and hides the muscle definition many men work to develop and maintain. Electrolysis can permanently remove even the prickliest and most wiry hair, leaving your back & nape completely smooth — from neck to shoulders to waist.
Thick chest hair is making a comeback, but it’s not for everyone. If you prefer a swimmer-smooth look, we can help you remove your pesky chest hair permanently and comfortably!
Unwanted abdomen hair affects both men and women. In women, “happy trails” of unwanted hair are common from the belly button to the pubic area. In men, when a neat vertical line starts to spread out sideways, it can become bothersome. Electrolysis can permanently remove or shape any type of abdominal hair.
Underarms & Arms

If you love tank tops and strapless dresses but don’t enjoy the razor burn and skin irritation that often comes with shaving, electrolysis can eliminate your armpit fuzz permanently! We offer state-of the-art epilation technology along with numbing cream and/or numbing injections (administered professionally by a nurse located directly across the hall from us) to ensure a comfortable experience. Get soft, smooth armpits that really last.
We are all about positivity and confidence when it comes to body hair, but if you have hairy arms as a woman, it can sometimes be a source of great angst! If you’re not ready to embrace it, electrolysis can help liberate you from it — forever!
Bikini & Intimate Areas

Body hair is nothing to be ashamed of, but if you’re someone who is tired of waxing, shaving, and dealing with ingrown hair in your most intimate areas, electrolysis offers precise, permanent hair removal!
Your bikini sessions will be performed professionally, respectfully, and confidentially in our private and sterile salon suite. Your comfort, trust, and privacy are paramount!
French Bikini, Brazilian, Brozilian, Hollywood, and even Surgery Prep/GRS - we can help you tidy up once and for all!
We ask that you book a consultation with us before making an appointment for bikini work, so we can walk you through the process and your options for anesthetic. Lidocaine cream as well as lidocaine injections (the latter is administered professionally by a nurse located directly across the hall from us) definitely make the experience much more comfortable!
Legs & Inner Thighs, Feet & Toes

Legs & Inner Thighs
Did you know the average woman spends 72 days of her life shaving legs? You can have beautifully smooth legs, without nicked shins or kneecaps, year-round. Electrolysis hair removal is permanent, ensuring the hair on your legs will never grow back. Think about all the landfill space you’ll save never having to toss away razors again!
Feet & Toes
Do you love sandals and flip flops but endlessly battle hair on your toes and feet? It’s a common problem for many people. Electrolysis can permanently take care of that unwanted hair, especially in sensitive areas like the toes.